Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Born with Greatness

It's not everyday you hear these words, "You are such an inspiration and God has such big plans for you." These are words spoken to me today by a dear friend. It made me think. 

When someone tells you that you have "greatness", you most certainly should believe them! Soak up those words and make them your truth. Don't shrug it off as thought it's a shallow compliment. In fact, it occurred to me today that these are words we should hear everyday. What if we consistently told each other "you were born with greatness"? What if we were to tell our children daily "you were born with greatness"? What if you looked in the mirror every morning and said "I was born with greatness"? Perhaps we would all start to believe it and actually act upon our greatness. 

The truth is that God designed each and every one of us for greatness. Keith Kochner, author and founder of Mentorship Mastery says "You cannot walk towards your greatness, you can only walk away from it." The truth is that you don't have to seek it out, because you were born with it. It's a question of what you're going to choose to do with it. 

Are you walking in your greatness? Are you utilizing your God-given talents, skills, and gifts to the best of your ability? You were meant to thrive, not just survive. 

Love and Prayers,

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